Last weekend, after his shampoo, trim, hoof treatment and a nice walk, Mini called a Board Meeting with the neighbour’s cattle – to advise that the little blonde was now in charge!

We currently have our rescued farm and working animals (including horses and working dogs) housed on our small privately owned property on the Atherton Tablelands, but have just bought a nearby larger block (113 acres) with great pastures, good rainfall, and a small area of native bushland and creeks which will be preserved for wildlife release where required. This will allow us to expand greatly the number of animals we can take in, and the use of the property will be donated to AFARM. To get the best use out of the area we need to ensure the property is properly fenced, with viable pastures, a continuous clean water supply, and adequate shelter, runs, and yards for veterinary treatment are available. We will work closely with local animal refuges, the RSPCA, local councils, and other organisations needing assistance with the placement of unwanted, abandoned, or neglected farm and working animals. We have been operating privately now for more than five years, but now we can expand our commitment to the animals, and get the community involved. There is a huge need in north Queensland at the moment for placement of large numbers of abused horses. This rescue is a major project. We are incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation and are registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission with a ATO deductible gift recipient status.